What You Need to Know About Taxes for Gold Mutual Funds

Investors now frequently use gold mutual funds to diversify their portfolios and guard against market volatility. Making informed judgments requires taking into account the tax ramifications, just like with any investment. Gold mutual funds taxation is covered in this article along with other pertinent topics including income tax and capital gains tax.

Understanding Gold Mutual Funds

In order to invest in gold-related assets like gold bars, mining firms, or gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), gold mutual funds aggregate money from various participants. They give investors access to changes in the price of gold without requiring them to possess the precious metal outright.

Taxation on Gold Mutual Fund Investments

When it comes to the taxation of gold mutual funds, there are two primary aspects to consider:

  • Income Tax on Gold Mutual Funds

The income generated from gold mutual funds is subject to income tax. Taxes are imposed in a variety of ways depending on the kind of income received. Depending on their tax rate, the investor must pay taxes on any dividends earned from the fund if they are distributed.

Additionally, any gains will be considered income and taxed appropriately if the investor decides to redeem their units and makes a profit. According to the article’s additional explanation, the tax rate will vary.

  • Capital Gains Tax on Gold Mutual Funds

Capital gains tax applies when an investor sells their gold mutual fund units at a higher price than the purchase price. The gains are categorized into two types:

Short-term Capital Gains (STCG): If the holding period is less than 36 months, the profits are considered short-term capital gains. These gains are added to the taxable income of the investor and taxed according to their appropriate income tax slab.

Long-term Capital Gains (LTCG): The gains are regarded as long-term capital gains if the holding period exceeds 36 months. Gold mutual fund long-term capital gains, after indexation benefits, are taxed at 20% under current tax laws. By helping to account for inflation in the investment’s acquisition price, indexation lowers the tax liability.

Tax-Efficient Ways to Invest in Gold

Investors looking to minimize the tax impact on gold mutual fund investments can consider the following strategies:

  • Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): By opting for a SIP, investors can spread their investments over regular intervals, resulting in staggered capital gains. This approach can help in reducing the tax liability on short-term capital gains.
  • Gold ETFs and Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs): Compared to gold mutual funds, ETFs and SGBs offer certain tax advantages. Gains from Gold ETFs held for more than one year are taxed at a flat rate of 20%, while SGBs enjoy complete tax exemption on redemption if held until maturity.


Understanding the tax ramifications of an investment is essential to maximizing returns and preventing unpleasant surprises when it comes time to file taxes. A significant addition to an investor’s portfolio, gold mutual funds provide diversity and protection against market changes. Investors should be aware of the potential income tax and capital gains tax consequences of these investments, though. Investors can carefully handle the taxation element of gold mutual funds by using tax-efficient tactics and taking into account alternative gold investment options like ETFs and SGBs. Always seek specialized counsel based on your unique financial situation from a tax expert or financial advisor.

Tim Schmidt


Tim Schmidt is an Entrepreneur who has covered retirement investing since 2012. He started IRA Investing to share his expertise in using his Self-Directed IRA for alternative investments. His views on retirement investing have been highlighted in USA Today, Business Insider, Tech Times, and more. He invested with Goldco.