Gold IRA Rollover Guide (2023) – What You Should Know

Most retirement investors are growing concerned with the way the economy and leadership is having an impact on what they’ve worked hard for their entire lives. They want to protect their wealth from uncertainty, inflation, volatility, and currency debasement. Therefore, many top investors recommend that you convert some of your retirement portfolio to precious metals bullion.

I’ve done this myself, and I used Goldco. (For full transparency).  In this 401k to gold ira rollover guide I’ll share with you the process I went through. This is a documentation of my personal experience that you can see I went through if you with actual PROOF if you read my Goldco IRA review.

Investing in precious metals isn’t as sophisticated of a process as you may think. This gold IRA rollover guide will outline step-by-step how this can easily be done to protect your wealth, as well as share with you our list of fully vetted vendors who will make sure your investment is maximized as well as fully compliant with IRS terms.

If you do not have a Gold IRA Rollover company selected yet, please read the below!

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Gold IRA rollovers help you own gold and other precious metals, keeping them safe in a retirement account that uses a tax-free or tax-deferred option. Typically, they help you fund and create your retirement account by converting your 401(k) to physical gold, or dong a transfer from your IRA.

You want to simplify adding physical precious metals to your Roth IRA or Traditional IRA, and our gold IRA rollover guide can assist.

Overall, you can convert ETFs, bonds, and stocks into physical precious metals that are stored in your retirement account.

Protect Your Wealth & Get Huge Tax Savings!

What Is a Gold IRA Rollover?

Traditionally, a gold IRA rollover is used when you convert part or all of your investment portfolio (Roth IRA, 401(k), or SEP-IRA) or existing retirement account into gold coins and other tangible precious metals.

The gold IRA hedges against inflation and economic uncertainty, which is what the United States has now. During the gold IRA rollover, funds get withdrawn from the Roth IRA and are held for about 60 days until they’re redeposited into the new account under an IRA custodian.

Generally, you transfer funds from an existing traditional IRA into actual gold bullion. Then, it gets stored in an IRS-approved depository. The Internal Revenue Service has rules in place to ensure things go smoothly.

Gold IRA Rollover vs. Gold IRA Transfer

Investors have two different options available when funding the gold IRA: transfers and rollovers. A gold IRA transfer is often more secure and manages risks efficiently. Therefore, you can quickly move assets between your retirement savings accounts.

There are different gold IRA rollover rules and conditions you’ve got to be aware of. The account holder could be required to pay costly IRS-imposed penalties if they break those rules. However, a gold IRA transfer, where you transfer your IRA to gold, has fewer rules for retirement accounts.

Typically, a gold IRA transfer or IRA gold transfer means that the funds move between custodians. The account holder nevr receives the money withdrawn from the account. Instead, the funds get directly transferred between third parties, all without the account holder’s involvement.

Overall, an IRA gold transfer is a no-touch and simplified process for the account holder, whereby the custodians handle everything.

The rollover process is different. With transfers, the money doesn’t touch that IRA holder’s bank account. Likewise, the IRS heavily regulates rollovers and has strict consequences if they are violated. Therefore, the account holder must ensure that they’re doing everything right.

Most people find that a transfer is better because it reduces human error. In the rollover process, people could forget to move the distributed funds into their new account before the IRS-imposed time limit comes around. In this case, the account owner incurs high financial penalties through the IRS.

Generally, transfers don’t have that issue because the account custodian handles everything automatically. This protects the account owner and the existing IRA.

Gold IRA Transfer Rules

Here are the direct rollover rules:

  • Not taxable
  • No withholding taxes
  • No annual limits
  • No early withdrawal fees
  • No 60-day transfer rule to contend with

Gold IRA Rollover Rules

Here are the traditional rollover rules:

  • No tax withholding when the rollover is from a personal IRA to another individual retirement account
  • IRA holders strictly limited to a single rollover per year (365 days)
  • Distributed funds taxed as ordinary income if the 60-day rule gets violated
  • Account holder subjected to the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty if under age 59.5 when keeping distributed funds
  • 60-day transfer rule in place (account holder is required to transfer money from one account into a new gold IRA)

401(k) to Gold IRA Rollover

Some investors believe that they can roll over or transfer funds from their existing employer-sponsored and self-directed IRA to the gold IRA. However, the process has different rules, and you must understand what they are before you proceed.

Rolling over the funds from your 401(k) into a new Gold IRA shouldn’t be a problem if it was sponsored by a former employer. You just pick a new gold IRA custodian and let them initiate the process of rolling over the IRA from the 401(k).

However, it’s often more challenging when you try to roll over the 401(k) that’s sponsored by a current employer. Rollovers into the self-directed IRA usually come with more gold IRA rules.

You should check the policy terms whenever you choose to roll over from your 401(k) that a current employer has sponsored. Sometimes, an employer-sponsored 401(k) disallows gold investments because you’re still employed there.

It’s best to call your employer and ask about the rules for your 401(k). That ensures you know if you’re permitted to transfer or roll over to a new gold IRA account.

Don’t be alarmed yet. It’s generally possible to roll over a 401(k) from a current employer. You’ve just got to understand the regulations and rules in place for gold IRA investments like this.

Generally, it’s best to speak with a financial advisor if you’re unsure of how to start a direct rollover from a 401(k).

Deciding on a Gold IRA Rollover Strategy

It might be nice if there was a one-size-fits-all option for investing in your gold IRA. Financial planning can help you determine the right rollover strategy so that you fund your account with appropriate gold and silver coins and other precious metals.

Many people want to know the percentage of their portfolios that should be allocated solely to precious metals. There’s no clear answer.

The level of funding you dedicate to precious metals like gold and silver depends primarily on how close you are to retirement age and your personal risk tolerance. Therefore, an investor who is within 10 years of the target retirement age might not like to take on such risks. They might wish to dedicate more to precious metals, such as 15 to 20 percent.

Regardless, your goal is to supplement your retirement account with alternative assets, including cryptocurrencies and gold IRA plans. This helps to hedge against market stability. Recent stock market issues were met by higher precious metal prices in recent years. Things soared for palladium coins, and people focused more on Ethereum and Bitcoin, too.

Economic uncertainty casts doubt on the traditional stock market. Therefore, more investors are now diversifying their portfolios with assets unrelated to the market, including gold.

Your retirement savings is important, so a gold IRA is likely the best choice for you. Physical gold investors can enjoy the benefits of a tax-advantaged retirement account without the risk associated with the stock market.

Choosing Your Gold IRA Allocation

The world’s top investors protect their assets by using precious metals and swear by the five to 10 percent rule. You might have heard about it through Ray Dalio, Tony Robbins, and Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank on NBC. However, some investors believe you should go much farther than that to stuff your retirement account with better options.

Well-performing gold IRAs are something everyone wants to see, but that’s not always possible. Here are a few questions that can help you determine if a gold IRA is suitable and how much to allot:

  • What’s the economy’s outlook as a whole for the next five to 10 years?
  • Has the portfolio performed as you expected over the past five years or so?
  • What’s your true purpose for choosing diverse investments like a gold IRA? Do you want to hedge your bets, have more retirement funds, or enjoy the benefits of tax-deferred self-directed IRAs?
  • How close are you to your retirement date?

Most people should focus on the third question and understand their reasoning for boosting their retirement savings with a gold IRA. Look within yourself to find out your true intentions. While you can check with a financial advisor before creating a new account, it’s not always helpful. You’ve got to know what you need.

Many times, your response can fit in with the broad orientations listed below. These describe most investors’ motives for choosing a gold or silver IRA:

Diversification Orientation

Diversification orientation focuses on people who wish to invest in gold and other precious metals to protect the portfolio from becoming overexposed to bonds, stocks, and more traditional assets. Risk-conscious investors often diversify with gold to prevent potential losses in a recession or stock market downturn.

It works well when you want to allocate about five to 10 percent to a precious metals IRA. Investors seeking this option might wish to dedicate that much of the portfolio’s overall value to precious metals holdings like silver, platinum, and gold. If you go over that amount when you invest in precious metals, you might find it too conservative.

These risk-averse investors might want to add more to a gold IRA to protect them from the stock market.

Inflation and Debasement Orientation

Some investors might be concerned with widespread inflation and currency debasement. Therefore, they may choose to dedicate more of the portfolio to silver and gold investments. Gold is often seen as the most strategic hedge against inflation, so a gold IRA rollover might help people protect their wealth from the declining U.S. dollar.

The United States is currently facing a severe and significant inflation threat. April 2021 had the country reeling from a high year-over-year rise in CPI. It hasn’t done that since September 2008!

You might also remember the era of inflation from the 1970s. During that time, the value of gold and precious metals rose to about 600 percent because the entire world felt that the U.S. dollar was unstable.

If you’re primarily worried about inflation, you need a safe haven and should increase your exposure to various precious metal options. People like this often focus on the 10 to 20 percent range for silver and gold. That works well for bearish investors worried about the U.S. dollar. Plus, if the dollar continues going downward, you’re likely to fare better.

Systemic Collapse Orientation

Many investors are worried about the state of the overall economy and feel that it might not be sustainable into the future. If that’s the case, you might want to dedicate more to precious metals than stocks and bonds. Gold and silver bars are often thought of as the “disaster hedges” since they usually rise in value when the global or geopolitical environment is unstable.

In a sense, panic strikes the market, gold IRAs continue making money, and investors benefit. The OPEC oil crisis in March 2020 saw gold hit a seven-year high. Then, the airstrike between the U.S. and Iran in 2020 caused an Iranian general to get killed. Gold prices jumped a whopping 1.4 percent in one night because of a stock market sell-off.

Typically, investors like this need systemic protection from war and economic collapse. Therefore, they might do well investing more in precious metals than the stock market. That means putting in about 20 to 30 percent into your gold IRA.

Please be aware that the content shown on this page and throughout the website is only for informational purposes. Nothing here constitutes financial advice, and visitors shouldn’t take it as such. Speak to financial advisors before making any investment portfolio decisions or creating a new account.

Gold IRA Rollover: Select IRS-Approved Bullion Bars

Gold IRA Bullion Bars

The IRS has strict standards about the types of gold assets investors can hold in a tax-deferred retirement account. Therefore, it’s up to you and your financial team to ensure that you’re using IRS-approved precious metals. These include the following gold coins and other precious metals:

  • American Gold Eagle Coin
  • Johnson Matthey Gold Bars
  • Credit Suisse Gold Bars
  • Valcambi Gold CombiBar
  • Canadian Gold Maple Leaf coins

Regardless of the gold bars and coins you choose, the collectibles can’t be from any 401(k) or IRA through IRS regulations. Rare coinage and other precious metal types that are classified as collectibles under the IRC Section 401(a) are strictly disallowed from the IRA.

Generally, gold bullion bars aren’t classified as collectibles, so they can be part of a gold IRA rollover. Regarding gold coins, there are three primary exceptions that let you invest in gold bullions through a rollover:

  1. Some coins described by 31 USC Section 5112
  2. Coins issued and minted under a sovereign state’s laws
  3. Coins and bullion kept in a bank or by a non-bank trustee

IRS regulations don’t allow you to invest in unapproved assets. If you do so, you may see fines or penalties. Therefore, it’s best to focus on gold bullion instead of rare coinage.

Physical Gold IRA Rollover vs. “Paper Gold” Rollover

There are two ways to be exposed to gold. The first option is physical gold bullion. This describes those hard, cold metal bars that a secure facility holds using third-party, trusted custodians. Then, you have paper gold, which focuses on gold-based securities like ETFs or gold mining stock.

Aside from the convenience factor, it’s hard to argue the advantages of paper gold when you have tangible and physical gold bars and precious metal bars.

Some investors do praise gold stocks because they’re more liquid. However, that’s a double-edged sword because increased liquidity also makes it easier to sell or buy the asset fast. Paper gold is often more volatile than other commodities because of this reason.

It’s best to look at a physical gold IRA rollover for true exposure to investing in gold. If outright economic collapse or runaway inflation occurs, gold stocks could only be worth the paper they are printed on.

Are you still not sold? Here, you can see the advantages of physical gold investments through a gold IRA rollover compared to securities-based or paper gold exposure:

  • Physical Ownership – You own those precious metals, so they’re harder to seize or confiscate like electronic assets.
  • Safe Haven Store Value – Economic crisis means that physical gold is the last resort for value if paper assets and cash are deemed worthless.
  • Transferable and Movable – Physical gold is portable, and you can withdraw it from an IRA into your own hands or put it in a vault through distribution.
  • Counterparty Risk – Publicly-traded stocks are not the same. A gold bar can’t fail to honor a contract or declare bankruptcy. Therefore, gold doesn’t have the same risks as paper gold investors.

Some of these advantages aren’t exclusive to precious metals. However, they do present compelling reasons why gold has a place in an investor’s portfolio.

Finding the Best Gold IRA Custodian

This gold IRA rollover guide is here to help you choose a gold IRA custodian. When you open your traditional or Roth IRA, you visit your local branch of Fidelity Investments or Vanguard. Apply on the spot for what you want. However, gold IRAs are slightly more complicated than this.

Conventional brokerages include Charles Shwab and Fidelity, but they don’t support a gold IRA rollover. Instead, you must research your options and choose the right gold IRA custodian to open a gold IRA.

Gold IRA companies initiate and facilitate the gold IRA rollover with an existing 401(k) or IRA provider.

A reputable custodian works with you to handle your holdings and ensure they’re safely vaulted. However, they also focus on remaining compliant with the IRS regulations and protocols.

Generally, a trustworthy precious metals provider helps with the rollover process of your retirement accounts from beginning to end. These companies are transparent enough to give you all the documentation and paperwork required to finish the rollover. There are no hidden fees and clauses, either.

Therefore, it’s crucial to choose reputable gold IRA companies. However, here are a few basic rules to consider when researching the perfect gold IRA custodian for your retirement:

1. Reputation and Prestige

No one should have to tell you that you need a precious metals company with a high customer satisfaction profile and a rock-solid reputation. These are crucial when choosing a gold IRA provider. However, some companies have malicious intentions and prey on customers who don’t understand what’s happening.

Avoid companies that aren’t reviewed online or have multiple poor reviews. Typically, you should check customer-generated reviews from Google My Business, the Better Business Bureau, Trustpilot, YouTube, and Reddit. These are all excellent options for research and finding authentic customer testimonials.

The goal here is to find authentic ones. However, some companies publish reviews they’ve paid for on social media accounts. Check to see if they all have a similar length without providing substantive information. That often indicates they aren’t the best ones to read.

You want variety between the reviews. Otherwise, it’s a red flag that shows they are inauthentic.

An IRS-approved non-bank trustee is the only one allowed to operate the precious metals vault. If the custodian doesn’t mention that, move on or ask specifically. Sometimes, vendors try to sell numismatic coins and low-purity gold that the IRS doesn’t allow in an IRA. This is a sly trick, and you should stay away from them at all costs.

2. Rollover Limitations

When investing in precious metals, remember that the IRS lets you have a penalty-free rollover once in 365 days. If you finish the transaction on June 1, 2021, you can’t initiate the next rollover with a tax-free option until June 1, 2022.

Therefore, it’s crucial to choose the best gold IRA account custodian and do so carefully. Otherwise, you’re on the hook for that early distribution penalty if you need to change custodians before that 12-month period is over.

3. Information

Gold IRAs aren’t easy to understand for most people. There are plenty of legal situations, and you don’t know what’s acceptable. Therefore, you need a good gold IRA company that offers high-quality information on investing.

Every gold IRA company should cover the same information. It might present it on the website and make it easy for everyone to understand. However, you should also be allowed to call a representative and get answers about opening a precious metals IRA account.

4. Marketing Tactics

Many companies make unsupported and large claims. They promise huge profits and end up stealing money. Overall, they focus on economic doom to frighten people into a quick investment without much thought. Be very wary of this business approach and make sure you know the pros and cons.

5. Policies and Fees

Most people don’t realize all the fees involved when moving assets to a gold IRA. Typically, $100 or so is suitable, and they’re often flat rates and paid yearly. However, some companies use scaled prices, which change based on various factors.

Consider the company policies, as well. Is the brand strict enough to charge high fees that might be unreasonable?

6. Various Investments

You’re likely sold on a gold-based IRA right now, but many companies offer other investment opportunities. Therefore, you can pick gold, silver, palladium, and even platinum!

Just remember that the IRS has rules about what metals you can use, so make sure the company offers them. Generally, rare coins aren’t allowed, though some are. Most people like gold because they hear about it more often, but silver and other precious metals are also ideal for your portfolio, regardless of your reasons for investing.

Check out my top pick pitted against another reputable company:  Goldco vs. Augusta.

List of Top Providers

You need the best gold IRA provider on the market, and there are many companies available. However, that makes it harder to choose something suitable for your retirement account and needs.

Overall, your precious metals IRA is very important to you. When selecting a gold IRA company, make sure you understand the custodian and storage fees, learn about a taxable withdrawal, and all the rest.

Here’s a list of the top companies on the market:

  • Typically, storage fees from a reputable precious metals company cost anywhere from $100 to $325. However, some companies like Regal Assets don’t charge anything in transfer and rollover fees. They may even waive administrative or storage fees for your gold IRA rollover in the first year.

It’s best to do an in-depth analysis for custodians that meet your needs. Get a full breakdown of each option when shopping for a gold rollover.

Eligible Account Types for a Gold IRA Rollover

You may transfer funds from any of your existing retirement account options to complete the gold IRA rollover. These include:

  • Traditional or Roth IRA
  • TSP
  • 457(b)
  • 403(b)
  • Employer-sponsored 401(k)
  • Self-directed IRA or 401(k)

When you’ve got an employer-sponsored account, such as a 457(b) or 401(k), you might have to start the rollover once you’ve terminated employment with the company. Some employers don’t allow rollovers from one account to the other. However, you may do a partial rollover if you’re still employed and have reached 59.5 years of age.

The process of moving funds from a self-directed IRA to a new gold IRA is quite simple. You just register it with your gold IRA provider. Fill out your transfer request form to start rolling funds to precious metals. It takes about 14 business days before the funds show up in the IRA.

Retirement Savings Tips

Retirement Savings

Only you know what you plan to do in retirement, so you’ve got to understand how much money you need and when to start saving. Here are a few tips to get you started, whether you choose traditional markets or gold:

  • Start Now – If you’re starting to build a nest egg, save as much as you can now. That way, it compounds interest. Look into things other than cash, too.
  • Contribute to the 401(k) – Many employers offer 401(k) plans. If you’re eligible, consider contributing money to it. The money comes from your paycheck before taxes are assessed. That lowers your take-home pay slightly, but you aren’t likely to have budget problems.
  • Open an IRA – If you don’t have an IRA yet, it’s best to open one now. Talk to a financial professional to determine what’s best for you.
  • Automate the Savings Process – Whether you’re just starting on your journey of investing in gold or have been doing it a while, focus on paying yourself first. Set up a savings account or add money to your IRA before paying bills or immediately after. Then, you know how much you can afford to splurge throughout the week.
  • Examine Your Budget – Most people have specific bills each month. However, you can negotiate lower car insurance rates and might find discounts on phone or internet service. Consider taking your lunch to work so that you’re not spending extra. Every little bit helps!
  • Save Extra Cash – If you find yourself with a little extra money after paying bills, put it in a savings account that draws interest or increase your IRA contributions. This includes salary bonuses, pay raises, and tax refunds.
  • Set Goals – The first step is to know when you want to retire and how much money you need to live comfortably until the end. Then, you can set goals that help you stay on track.
  • Work Until Age 70 – If you can delay getting Social Security payments until age 70, you increase what you get in the future.

Gold IRA Rollover FAQs

How Do Gold IRA Rollovers Work?

Sometimes, a rollover happens when there’s any movement of funds from one retirement account to the other. However, the IRS has a clear distinction between transfers and rollovers.

With a rollover, the money moved is given to you as payment. Then, you deposit those funds into another account. Transfers allow the original IRA custodian to transfer funds to the new IRA custodian directly, though you must designate that person. In a sense, you personally don’t see the money.

Custodian-to-custodian transfers are the easiest way to establish a gold IRA with your existing qualified funds. The new account is created with an approved custodian. With your consent, they request that your IRA assets are transferred from the existing retirement account.

If you choose a rollover, you should consider a direct rollover over an indirect rollover. Typically, indirect rollovers could have withholding requirements. If you don’t do things correctly with an indirect rollover, you could incur early distribution fees.

Overall, the IRA money is used to purchase precious metals like physical gold bullion bars. Those are then transferred to the gold IRA.

What IRS Rules Should You Follow for Gold IRAs?

The IRS has strict regulations and rules for gold IRAs. By federal law, you’re required to use an approved custodian to open your gold IRA account.

You should never buy precious metals with the IRA funds personally. Instead, the IRS demands that the IRA account administrator perform the transactions for you. In a sense, you tell your custodian what to do and let them begin purchasing the precious metals. They handle all of the shipping and insurance arrangements once they’ve finished everything.

Overall, many people worry about their gold investing strategy because of that. They’re not sure if they can hold gold bullion themselves or what options are suitable.

Even if you know what type of precious metals are suitable for an IRA gold investment, you still can’t buy them yourself.

Once the gold is purchased, it has to be stored properly, and the IRA has rules in place for that, as well. The custodian of the gold IRA receives the precious metals and gives them to an off-site depository. This must be a third-party and approved by the IRS.

You’re allowed to choose the depository used, but it must be from the IRS list of options. However, many people go with the one their account administrator works with. They’ve already got an established and pre-existing relationship.

Overall, their job is to safeguard and inventory your gold assets until you tell them what to do. This might be distributing it to you when you retire or selling it and putting the money back into a traditional IRA.

If you choose to have the distributions sent to you, the administrator uses insurance coverage to protect the investment. However, it must be shipped to your home address; business ones don’t work.

What IRS Rules Should You Follow for Gold IRA Rollovers?

There are strict rules in place for a precious metals IRA rollover. IRS regulations give you 60 days after receiving the funds to deposit the cash into an account through a gold IRA or custodian. You may choose this entity or person, but it’s best to do so before getting the money out. Otherwise, you risk missing the deadline and paying penalties.

If you take longer than 60 days, the money is now seen as a taxable withdrawal. That means you must pay the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty unless you’re over 59.5 years old.

There’s no tax withholding if you withdraw from your personal IRA and roll it over into another IRA. However, you can only do this once a year.

What IRS Rules Should You Follow for Gold IRA Transfers?

With a direct gold IRA transfer (custodian to custodian), you don’t worry about the transfer rule because you don’t see the money.

Typically, the IRA gold transfer is accomplished with a wire transfer between the custodians. Your original custodian may complete the transfer by writing a check and sending it to the new custodian.

Typically, a gold IRA transfer is the best way to invest in precious metals because everything happens in the background without your direct involvement.

What Fees Must You Pay for a Precious Metals Rollover?

The government doesn’t require transfer or rollover fees to move your traditional IRA to the precious metals IRA (gold IRA). However, there could be application fees involved.

Typically, administrators and custodians of the gold IRA charge processing fees for opening the account. These prices vary, but the average is $50 for such services.

How Do You Rollover a 401(k) to Gold IRA?

Many people want to know how to roll over a 401(k) to a gold IRA account. It’s possible to do this without incurring tax penalties, and here are some of the 401(k) rules:

  • Once you get the funds from the 401(k), you’ve got 60 days to finish the process. Otherwise, the IRS treats the money as a distribution, which is taxable. There’s also a 10 percent penalty for the withdrawal if you’re less than 59.5 years old.
  • You’re limited to a single rollover each year for precious metals IRAs from 401(k)s. The one-year period starts when you get the distribution. It applies separately to every IRA you own.
  • You can’t use the money from the distribution to buy investments before establishing the IRA. It’s best to do a direct rollover with the funds. That means you don’t see money or a check. The provider transfers the money to gold IRAs for you.

What Physical Gold Types Can You Have in Your Gold IRA Rollover?

The IRS puts strict rules in place for the types of precious metals you can have in gold IRAs. Investors may hold gold coins, gold bars, and gold bullion if they meet two standards:

  • The gold has to be an official currency of at least one recognized public entity.
  • It has to meet a purity standard of 0.995 in the United States. However, this standard varies between countries, so research your options before considering gold IRA investing.

You can have these precious metals (gold) in your IRA:

  • Swiss PAMP bars
  • Credit Suisse bars
  • Some gold bullion bars
  • Gold Kilo bars
  • American Gold Buffalo

What’s the Best Gold IRA Rollover Company to Consider?

Precious metals IRA companies are firms specializing in setting up gold IRAs from start to finish. This includes rollovers and transfers. Typically, they handle IRA account setup, purchasing approved metals from precious metals dealers, and storing them in depositories.

Generally, gold companies sell all types of gold, including rare coins. However, those aren’t suitable for an IRA. Therefore, you need the best gold IRA company to choose gold bullion approved by the IRS.

Reputable companies, like Augusta Precious Metals, handle the whole process for you, answering questions you’ve got. Typically, they form alliances with accredited depositories, traditional IRA custodians, and wholesale dealers.

It all depends on the factors you need to focus on. Things like ratings, physical location, customer support, storage options, and other alternative investments play a role. When you determine what you care about most, make a list of the companies meeting those criteria.

Request free kits online or call these companies to learn about their products and services. It’s best to do your own research and speak with a few company representatives before deciding. Also, talk to a reputable financial advisor before investing in gold or choosing a 401(k) to gold rollover.

Are You Ready to Start Your Rollover?

You probably know that precious metals retirement plans are ideal because they protect you and help you break into the world of gold investment strategies. However, you need the best gold IRA companies on your side. They offer information to kickstart the process so that you enjoy a diversified portfolio and invest in precious metals safely.

The stock market instability has made many investors consider precious metals IRAs alongside the traditional IRA.

Consider the right precious metal investment strategy and focus on other risk-managed assets. These include cryptocurrencies and much more.

If you’re ready to set up a new gold IRA and invest in gold bullion, you need the right gold IRA company. This gold IRA rollover guide offered helpful tips in choosing the right brand and included a list of options to start your journey.

->>>>>>> View our list of the best gold IRA companies.

Create a list, determine your motives, and think about other assets to protect yourself during market instability!

I hope this gold 401k rollover guide was helpful, and I wish you the best of luck with the gold ira rollover process.

Tim Schmidt


Tim Schmidt is an Entrepreneur who has covered retirement investing since 2012. He started IRA Investing to share his expertise in using his Self-Directed IRA for alternative investments. His views on retirement investing have been highlighted in USA Today, Business Insider, Tech Times, and more. He invested with Goldco.