Is Physical Gold a Good Investment

Many newbie investors are asking, is gold a good investment? Well, it is normal and sensible or wise for traders and investors alike to think if a specific asset is a smart investment or not. This holds particularly valid for gold, given its inert nature and lack of interest-bearing attributes.

Honestly speaking, precious metals like gold keep on becoming one of the most lucrative and popular investments for ages. Gold has been respected and valued from all corners of the globe because of its colorful history and of course considerable value.

Why Really Invest in this Physical Metal?

A lot of people have longed to hold gold for different reasons. With different modernizations, the evolution of gold trading has transitioned from physical to virtual platforms, yet all manifestations of gold coins remain equally appealing for investment purposes. On the other hand, all types of gold are likewise attractive for investments.

There are many reasons why many people, whether American, European, or Asian buy gold to meet their economic goals. On the contrary, some individuals invest in yellow metal for erroneous reasons.

Below, we will give you the main reasons why you as an investor must invest in precious metals like gold bars or gold stocks in your portfolio, with importance on investment consequences.

Compelling Factors for Gold Investment

Discover ten compelling reasons to invest in gold and other precious metals into your investment portfolio:

Enduring Monetary Significance

While not a current currency, gold’s historical role as money grants it an unmatched superiority over conventional currencies. With a heritage spanning over 3,000 years, gold has outlasted even the oldest currency – the British Pound Sterling at around 1,200 years. Serving as a long-term store of value, gold surpasses all major government currencies, maintaining its purchasing power while dollar falls.

Gold Investments are Immune to Bankruptcy!

According to world gold council, gold investments possess an unmatched trait: immunity to bankruptcy. Unlike other financial assets, gold requires no paper contract to substantiate its worth. Free from dependencies on intermediaries or contractual obligations, gold stands alone as a safeguard for wealth.

Distinctively, gold remains unburdened by liabilities to other entities, setting it apart as a unique financial asset. In times of market turmoil, gold emerges as an unwavering survivor, impervious to bubble bursts or crisis upheavals. This attribute becomes a formidable addition to your investment arsenal, especially when your country or economy faces adversity.

Furthermore, gold’s inherent stability safeguards it from plummeting to zero, a phenomenon absent from its extensive 3,000+ year history. It persists as a steadfast repository of value, a bulwark against economic uncertainties. The value of gold is a perpetual certainty, offering an avenue to convert it into currency should the need arise.

In your pursuit of a secure and diversified investment portfolio, gold’s resilience in the face of tumultuous times stands as an undeniable advantage. Whether considering gold mining companies, the guidance of financial advisors, owning physical gold, or exploring gold bullion, the timeless value of gold is a steadfast pillar of financial stability.

Gold Investments Serve as a Shield Against Inflation

How To Beat Inflation in Retirement

Gold’s role as a hedge against inflation remains a time-honored rationale for its investment. As inflation surges, currency values decline, and history attests that most major currencies erode in value relative to gold over extended periods. Notably, gold prices have doubled in the last five years and quadrupled within a decade.

In economies like India, where savings instruments may yield limited returns, gold proves resilient when inflation surpasses interest rates. Over a decade, gold’s annualized returns have consistently outpaced inflation, offering individuals a substantial real rate of return.

Amidst stock market volatility, the option of holding physical gold or engaging with gold ETFs underscores its significance in a well-rounded investment strategy. In the realm of financial markets, gold stands as a testament to stability and enduring value, safeguarding purchasing power even in times of economic flux.

A Tangible Asset

Gold, a tangible asset, instills investor confidence in its safety. Unlike digital assets susceptible to hacking, gold’s physicality ensures security. Easier to purchase than real estate, it bolsters an overall investment strategy. Yet, risks persist; prudent consideration and expert advice are vital when investing in gold. Trading accounts and exchange-traded funds offer avenues to engage with this enduring asset, enriching one’s financial portfolio with stability and value.

Gold is Highly Liquid

Gold is a good investment as you can sell it fast. What is more, you can also bring it with you anywhere you want to go with ease.

Gold can be sold easily, with gold jewellery dealers, coin shops, pawnshops, and online gold market readily recognizing and purchasing it. The selling process often surpasses stock transactions in speed, taking as little as 3 business days for cash or goods in hand, a swifter alternative to brokerage settlements. Unlike other collectibles, gold’s broad customer base and direct exchange ability eliminate lengthy sales procedures or substantial commissions.

This fluidity facilitates global mobility, as gold can accompany you anywhere. If crossing borders is a concern, transportable gold offers a solution. Amidst financial uncertainty, gold’s safe-haven status and past performance bolster its appeal, unlike mutual funds that tie money or high-risk CFD trading. Gold stands as a reliable, tangible asset class, safeguarding against losses, and enhancing overall investment strategy.

Gold Doesn’t Need You to Be an Expert or Skilled

Are you able to spot a fake diamond from a genuine diamond? If you take a look at two of the same paintings, are you able to differentiate the real one from the fake one? Are you able to choose stocks or invest in other financial securities of your skill and knowledge alone?

Investing in gold sets a different standard. No specialized skills, training, or equipment are necessary to buy or identify this yellow metal. Unlike stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, or other assets, gold doesn’t demand specific expertise.

As an investor, procuring and storing gold is straightforward – no complex charts or trading bots to manage.

This simplicity aligns well with various personal circumstances and risk tolerances. Gold, embodying an uncomplicated buying process, respects your investment decisions without complicating matters. It stands as a tangible asset, reflecting a unique standard that accommodates diverse investor needs.

Gold Has the Potential to Be Your Rescuer

Depending on the type of recession or crisis, this yellow metal is able to transform from a defensive machine to an offensive money-making tool.

Amid financial uncertainty, numerous investors turn to gold as a safe haven. Illustrating this, in the early 1990s, the Indian Government took the extraordinary step of airlifting its national gold reserves to offer as collateral to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), addressing the balance of payment debts.

Similarly, households facing economic challenges often opt to sell or pledge their cherished gold assets, viewing them as a refuge during troubled times.

The importance of this golden metal is underscored by its incorporation into various financial spheres. It is integrated into CFD trading, mutual funds as well as mining stocks.

Being a good type of investment, gold can counter losses suffered in different types of investments like mutual funds, with its value often responding positively to market fluctuations.  You can read more about the pro’s and con’s of physical gold and hear my take as a seasoned investor.

Diversification of Portfolio

According to some economists, gold is a very efficient and reliable tool to diversify a portfolio because of the low to negative correlation of this metal with other forms of assets.

However, it’s worth noting that some propose evidence suggesting that during periods of equity stress—when shares experience rapid declines in value—a unique relationship emerges between gold and equities, characterized by an inverse correlation.

The multitude of factors that wield influence over the returns of various asset classes, whether on a macroeconomic or microeconomic scale, tend not to exert significant sway over gold price.

Introducing gold to a portfolio can mitigate risk or dampen volatility for a given level of returns, presenting a strategy to safeguard against inflation, particularly in times of elevated inflation rates.

Considering other factors that come into play when investing, including economic conditions and fluctuations, incorporating gold becomes a prudent choice.

You Can Acquire Wealth Creation and Reduction of Risk by Investing in this Metal

Even when there is no crisis or tension in the economic market, this precious metal can provide high returns in the long run.

When confronted with the possibility of economic or political turbulence, gold takes center stage as a prime shield against potential losses in the equity markets, presenting itself as an optimal investment hedge. As long as there are still uncertainties, gold’s timeless allure will never fade, protecting investments from the turbulent currents of financial instability while offering a real, tested haven for asset preservation.

Absorbs any Jitters or Value-erosion in a Country’s Currency

Gold serves as an investment sanctuary, adept at neutralizing unsettling tremors or depreciation in a nation’s monetary unit. Should a country’s currency experience a substantial decline due to macroeconomic influences, gold stands ready to furnish investors with a protective buffer.

During the period of intense strain on India’s currency between 2013 and 2014, noteworthy global currencies united to underpin the value of gold in terms of the Indian rupee, showcasing the enduring strength of the precious metal’s pricing dynamics.


The qualities and features of these precious metals make them the most sought-after type of investment and also a common present in the type of jewelry like earrings, rings, bracelets, etc. Buying gold and other precious metals offers many benefits. But ensure to ask for advice from a financial advisor for sound investment advice about creating a trading account to maximize its full value.

The downturn of currencies can increase gold prices, which makes it a good investment to know wanting to diversify their portfolio.

Tim Schmidt


Tim Schmidt is an Entrepreneur who has covered retirement investing since 2012. He started IRA Investing to share his expertise in using his Self-Directed IRA for alternative investments. His views on retirement investing have been highlighted in USA Today, Business Insider, Tech Times, and more. He invested with Goldco.